How to add your COVID-19 digital certificate to a state or territory check in app for easy access and storage, including how to withdraw your consent to share.

You’ll be able to see your COVID-19 digital certificate after you’ve had all required COVID-19 vaccinations.

If you’re using the Express Plus Medicare mobile app:

  1. Select Proof of vaccinations from Services.

  2. Select View history.

  3. Select your name, then Share with check in app.

  4. Choose an app to share your certificate with and select Share.

If you’re using your Medicare online account through myGov:

  1. Sign in to your myGov account using a browser on your device.

  2. Select Go to Medicare from the Proof of your COVID-19 vaccination quick link.

  3. Select View history.

  4. Select your name, then Share with check in app.

  5. Choose an app to share your certificate with and select Share.

For more information, please visit the Services Australia website.

Don’t have access to a Smartphone?

Print your digital certificate from a home computer, or ask your GP or pharmacist to print off a certificate after your second shot.

Or you can ring the Australian Immunisation Register on 1800 653 809, and a certificate can be posted to you.

Otherwise, you can visit a Medicare office and get a printed copy.

What if you have a medical exemption?

If you have a medical exemption, your doctor will record this on your immunisation history statement and it will appear on your COVID-19 digital certificate.

You can then upload this to the Check In Qld app.